When I was four I taught myself how to ride a bike, a two wheeler. I don't know what was so important about it, it was just something I thought I'd do one day. |
My first "grownup" bike was a Sears Free Spirit 10-speed. It was white. There's a picture of me somewhere, taken from the window, of my back as I ride away. In the picture I'm just a blur. I rode to school every day and would meander through orange groves after and never want to go home and was just crazy in love with it all. |
When I was living in NYC I bought this bike off the street for like ten dollars, maybe less. It was way beautiful to me. |
I stopped taking the subway and rode it everywhere. |
When I moved to LA I didn't ride for years. It was spread out and there were a lot of hills but mostly the drivers scared the crap out of me. |
Also, I'd become interested in other things. |
I left my job to see if I couldn't make it as an artist, and when I did this I needed to downsize. So I got rid of my very cool car and started riding a bike I found in the dumpster. My first ride was a mile and a half to Starbucks. I thought I was going to die and wanted to take a taxi home. |
It took a while, a few years actually, but I eventually worked it out. |
The world and I...we just never really found each other... |
...I have no friends, I've never found love (nor it me), and I've never figured out how to get along with others. |
When I started getting sick, separate from the Should-I Stay-or-Should-I-Go debate I lost my ability to ride, to breathe, and I figured I was just losing my transportation. |
...and I decided, the next day...I was in the library and decided I needed my friends back. I need to find my way back to my bike. |