
the last straw

Where were we? Oh, right, whining about my crappy life.  Psycho-Bitch really did me in.  You have to understand - this was the third psycho-bitch in a row, 15 YEARS OF PSYCHO-BITCHES, a third of my life.  Third time's a charm and it really did me in. 

I started over again.  New Job, new situation, though not quite whole.

But I was hopeful.  I had two new shows, back-to-back. I was on the mend a little bit. 

Then the coup de grace: within one month one of my gallery guys died, I happened to spot the now stalker psychopathic narcissist near the gallery one day (who now lives 2,000 away) AND, out of nowhere I got an email from someone I dated 25 years ago, for chrissake, telling me what a shit I was and how my paintings had no soul.  Losing  bff-bike...the lump in my crotch...my heart slowly dying...dude, I went down for the count

So now we've arrived, simplistically but nonetheless, at Me versus Decision.